Cheryl Olear Tiffanie Groom, he’s legit! His ministry does wonderful work and reaches many in need of help…and Jesus! All money sown is definitely going into good ground! God Bless! 🙂

Corinna Zaccone this man is legit. God plucked him from the very ground he was sat upon and placed him carefully where he is now in the phillippines.. or however you spell that! more like Philippians! lol, but @ Cebu where he basically invented hope house

Betty Jean I have been praying for Davids ministry almost from the beginning, a few years now …if you have concerns, follow David, watch his videos, the work that He does is a great wonder compare what he has to work with…He does an amazing job with the children…Blessings I pray on you for helping the children that need so much help ….God is good..Ame

Nick Sadler 100% straight and honest, David would far rather spend money on the children than himself, he doesn’t live a life of luxury, indeed quite the opposite, send the money today and I KNOW it will be VERY much appreciated AND spent VERY wisely!!

Jan Patterson This ministry does it all. Wherever God sends the they are there and they feed and help so many. Send your money and be assured it will be used for God’s purpose!

Erina Martin I followed David’s ministry for a full year prior to giving and the Holy Spirit lead me to give over and over. You can see many here besides myself who have been agree it is by God David runs this mission.

Candy Pixler Ive never been more blessed then when I gave to David M Wilkerson ministry !! Thats a fact

Bebe I live here in Cebu City and I was saved at Hope House.

David has helped so many families here. He is an instrument of God.

August 29, 2020 at 4:35 am
Hope House does a tremendous work to help children trapped in poverty and those who have been trafficked by keeping them in school to reduce vulnerability and give them a chance to have a better life. David Wilkerson has done amazing things and seen great amazing things. It is an honour and a pleasure to sponsor two of the children and I would encourage anyone to seriously consider sponsoring a child if you can. $30 a month, a small price to change a life. If that’s a bridge too far then anything you can do will help Hope House to continue their good work. There is so much going on and any help will be much appreciated. Please prayerfully consider giving to this fantastic ministry and give a child a chance.

Nana Tori

David has the heart of God leading him everyday. Together with Ailene and his team, the people in the cities they touch are moved by the hand of God moving through them. Incredibly compassionate and selfless man of God.

Kristen Jones Gathright

I have been following since 2010. I’ve seen the proof!! The first round of kids are 10 yrs older. And many have finished college. Hope House is in the hands of God!!!

Jan Eoff recommends The House that Love built.
May 30 ·

Hands of God at work. Some may talk the talk, but these folks walk the walk..feeding, rescuing and educating children in some of the poorest areas of the world.

DEBORAHAugust 28, 2020 at 5:03 am
David is serving the Lord in Our Fathers Kingdom. Praise God for his Ministry. The people there are Thankful for the Lord Working through him. Jesus is the Lord of Lord’s. Heaven Is being Manifested through our Love for God and Each Other. His Love, like a Lightning bolt piercing through our hearts again. Always Has Been, Always Will Be…Our Lord and Father, One In Amen.

What a blessing to have watched the supernatural hand of God work through David and his team to bring revival to Cebu! May God continue to use you, strengthen and bless you as you step our in faith confounding the wicked!



August 28, 2020 at 11:14 am
David has been a friend of mine for many years now. I support the ministry as I know where the funds go.
I know he is called of by God to do what he is doing.
And I pray continued protection and blessings over the work of God and the man of God doing the work.

Sharon Wilcox

HOPE House is a place of refuge in a place where corruption, child sex trafficking, and evil thrives. Give and give generously if you are able.


Sandra Ort Jamie Truesdale Hope House is aptly named its feeds the poorest of poor, prays for them, clothes pays for medical help when needed. Unconventional, Yes. Dave,, his wife and two young boys live in the neighborhood . The kids are taught e watched thembasic life skills.they go to school because Hope House buys them clothes and school supplies. I have watched this ministry for years.,it is real .if you really want to help and get the most for a dollar seeing these kids having a safe place to go

I am Regi, they also call me Bakit. I am in night school to finish my high school and I am learning how to make furniture at Hope House. I also learned about building houses. I have done framing, and laying tiles and welding. Im learning skills and we will also sell the furniture we make. I also was baptized at Hope House and I am a Christian. Praise Jesus for everything He did for me. Thank you to all the supporters of David

Jeff Trotter

Spent my first full day at Hope House, a startup ministry in the slums of Cebu,Philippines. David, the founder, felt the Lord leading him to actually live in the slums,with the goal of bringing the Kingdom of God to a very needy community. As a result, lives have been changed and, I truly believe, many children have been protected from the human traffickers who prowl neighborhoods like this in search of easy targets desperate to believe their lies about a better life.This is really a no-frills, low-budget ministry that seeks to change lives through long-term relationships. David has gone through a lot of trials and missteps along the way, he’s quick to admit, but is learning and doing as best he can with the limited resources at his disposal. David, along with his wife Ailene, aretruly living humbly—I know I couldn’t do what he does, apart from a miraculous out pouring of grace!I’m having a great time interacting with the kids !Jeff Trotter You have a gift for teaching the people here so that they understand ( Jeff Trotter hasvisited us twice here at hope house cebu)


Mike Morton

david has proven himself to be the greatest of saints…in that he is a ‘fool for Christ ?… in the same league as jim elliot. he has abandoned all that we in our comfortable homes call “success ? and has seen the needs of the children in cebu. and he has gone mostly out of his own resources and begun ministering there. and children’s lives are being touched…and Christ’s love is setting them free.fore too long i have been silent! I have read how people have threatened to stop support of his ministry because they expected him to toe some kind of mark, not offend them, not be preachy, not be up front. ask a soldier who has faced combat in iraq or Afghanistan to describe what goes on, and if he or she will talk they will not candy coat things.I CHALLENGE YOU. IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT THE LORD HAS COME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE… THEN SUPPORT DAVID AND HOPE HOUSE… WHETHER FINANCIALLY OR PRAYERFULLY. COMMIT YOURSELF TO IT.IN TURN, KNOW THAT HE IS COMMITTED TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH… PURE AND SIMPLE, NOT CANDY COATED, NOT WATERED DOWN. HIS REPORTS ARE DIRECT FROM THE FRONT LINES WHERE THE WAR IS BEING WAGED…AND IT IS A DEADLY BATTLE FOR THE SOULS OF CHILDREN.If you want to support some work that is candy coated, watered down and not likely to offend you or disturb you in any way, turn on a sally struthers commercial… or sarah mclaughlin’s pleas to protect abused animals.BUT IF YOU WANT TO BE CONNECTED TO THE VERY WORK OF GOD…THEN SUPPORT AND STAND BY THIS MINISTRY AND BY DAVID. ?What will you do with the least of these…my bretheren? ? (Jesus) .

The Jordans

I watched David for over 5 years consistently change the lives of the people around him. Isn’t that what we are called to, make disciples, love others and help those in need.. Well this is David and Hope House Cebu is a place where lives are truly changed and impacted daily for God’s kingdom. It really comes down to what could be more important than saving these children from what surrounds them, giving them hope and a future bright and full of opportunity. We love David and Ailene and will support Hope House all our days!!! If you want religion, walk into a church building, but if you want to see the Kingdom of God moving watch David! Our friends and family sponsor 9 children and I concider it an honor to serve God in this way. Jesus loves the little children, we want to be like Jesus so this is only a natural response to a heart that loves Him. There is a great community of supporters and I truly feel like I would be welcomed by any of the Hope House Family. I cannot say enough good about this place. I promise you there is nothing more impacting or important you could spend your dollar on! We are 5 years in and falling in love every day with new faces!!! God bless Hope House!!!

Sheila Odom
July 11 ·

truly the love of God is in the house God bless you

Sandy Shiflett Happy Birthday David! May God poor out blessing upon blessing over you as you serve Him in such a mighty way.

Patrick Cole As I pack my bags on this early Tuesday morning here in the Philippines, it’s hard for me to believe the past 3 weeks are already over. As I head back to Japan, I’ll definitely have the kids and David’s ministry on my mind and prayers. Pastor Edwin has been a great guide around the country and I thank him for his influence as well. The kids here act so happy and playful and yet they have so little compared to almost all who will read this. We threw frisbee, played basketball, played cards, and we made fun of each other’s lack of ability to pronounce the person’s language correctly. I got to interview some of the mothers and kids as well about how this ministry has affected, and in many ways, changed their lives. God and the Gospel is moving in the Philippines. The poverty here is real, but not just physical needs, they have spiritual needs as well. David’s hope house for the kids provides that immensely in the spiritual darkness much of this place is in. This ministry isn’t picture-perfect, but what ministry is? He’s trying and he has a vision, a real vision for what God can do with children. Children are the future because children don’t stay children. They grow up and have a real impact on the people around them. God loves children and we should help them, because we were once children too.

Barbara C

God’s hand is truly on Hope House and its occupants. If it were not legit there would be no blessings and just looking at those beautiful smiling faces speaks volumes

Janet L

Yes amen! We also receive pictures of our sponsored children. It is so rewarding to see the children clean, healthy, and smiling. I also enjoy the videos that David posts of the children singing and worshiping. And to see the pictures of outreach where these children are reaching out to others. God bless David and Ailene and all the people who work with them for our Lord

Cheri Lynne

Thank you, Lord! I love my Lori!!! I have always been able to see a story in her eyes… That is what drew me to her. I will not let her down! God will heal her heart! And, You, David have been her biggest Blessing! Thank you for all you do there! {{hugs}} to both of you! One of the Best gifts u could have for father’s day! Happy Father’s Day David!

David Pearson

Amen. David. You really are a blessing from God to all those at Hope House. .David Pearson I was most definitely blessed. So much that not a day goes by without me thinking of those who are at Hope House. They forever have a place in my heart.That includes you too David Wilkerson. I don’t think I have laughed so much in such a long time as when I was there with you. God used you to help me in so many ways

Lee K

David’s Hope House Cebu is legitimate and does a terrific job! I’ve been a supporter, now, probably around a year or so, I would guess (w/o checking our records).

Sue Clephane- Lewis

Amen!! So proud of you Roxanne, you will always be in my heart and prayers, but it is wonderful to have you home againCant begin to find the words to express my thanks to the Lord, David and Hope house cebu for everything you have done and do!!!! I would say this is one of the best things i have ever had the opportunity to do! I love my two sponsored children, Karen and Roxanne very much; they and Hope house have been a blessing to all my family! I can not thank David enough for all he does for the children and families… Hope house is as real as it gets! your money goes exactly where it is intended! You can save a life!

Muriel Sowden I started to sponsor a child at Hope House soon after the start too. I now sponsor two girls. I have also seen how they have flourished and how much the children benefit from the work at Hope House. This work makes a huge difference to the lives of the children there and I wish I could support them with more funds.

Leanne Grant Suttles

man of God with heart for Jesus and the children!!

Tom Bice

The Lord gives seed to the sower. When you give, it shall be giving back to you pressed down, shaken and running over! Hope House is a worthy ministry to support with your giving. When you feed the poor you will not lack.

Doug H

Blessings come in many different ways. For me, a way of life that kept me on the road for38 years as a long haul truck driver, I would still be driving had the Lord not got my attention by causing physical problems. long story short after many surgeries, I have had many months of recuperation unable to work, in that time God lead me to Hope House, I didn\’t know how or why but HE did and now that I have been sponsoring 1 child, the blessings in my life have multiplied beyond measure. I am now sponsoring 2 more kids and as I am able to will sponsor more. God has truly blessed me with a broken body in order to see HIS perfect will for my life. Thank you Lord for your ALL your blessings!!!From one of our supporters:If I die today I will be happy knowing that in a tiny way we have been a part of this amazing walk for Jesus.

Bj DeCoeur

Oh “my ? Kyle, the smile of a happy child will warm my heart every time. This was his first ever birthday cake so he was pretty surprised. And to share with his family, mom Rebecca,and friends was even more special. How I wish others would ‘get on board’ with David Wilkerson and Hope House Cebu and al the wonderful things that are going on there. Miracles are happening at Hope House!!!! Become a part of it!!This is why I support your group David, you are so reliable and honest and I KNOW how well you take care of the kids.

From Eugene Reyes.

..I’m blessed to witness what God is doing through you my friend. Thanks for having the courage to step out in faith. I know it helps me to see you live your life through your relationship with God. I know God is revealing things to you that we don’t see here with all the distractions in America.

Richard Farese

I have been a sponsor for Hope House Cebu run by David Wilkerson for close to a year now and I have seen NOTHING but goodness from this man and his ministry.


Jonathan C

I would suggest to anyone to go there. I went and David is doing a great work there with the kids. If you go it will change your life forever

Aina Hellen Lanton You`r doing a magnificent job David..

David Wilkerson is doing a tremendous work in the slum of Cebu and neighbouring erias,, God is using this man greatly among the poor. People living in the deepest of despair, alone and abandoned on the streeets. Particularly the children vonerable to trafficing and abuse is on his heart, but all their neighbouhoods and families is in his care. I highly recommend you to support David and his team in this place. Both single donations and sponsorships to the children are much needed. God bless you in your choise <3💕🤲

Nancy M

You know, it struck me that you are seeing many miracles over there because of the desperate needs there. That is why we America has to be taken down so we will learn to lean on Him as you and your precious children have. !

Janet H

David M Wilkerson is doing the work of the Lord for these children. He brings them the gospel, the saving grace of God and he feeds them and gives them clothes and protection from evil. Please help him.

M Brown

There is so much that goes on off camera at hhc ,i have tried to capture those moments and bring to u,like David buying cream for a young boys leg that is infected from digging in trash to recycle items for money….i would say this child is under 8 years old…..or David walking down the street seeing a group of boys and giving them money to buy bread with….these things are never mentioned on F.B by David,he just sees the need and tries his best to fill it…..David is there for a reason n purpose,you are also on this page for a reason and purpose…..lets all do our part n help the kids!!!!!

Tim Lewis
The most genuine and fruitful ministry I have ever seen in my life …
A true testimony to the mandate of Our Savior and Lord Jesus !

Bruce Elton so true Glenn – what a privledge it is to help David make a real difference with these beautiful people… .Meeting up with you and Hope House is a highlight of my life David. Thanks s much mate….

Kim M
it truly helps children and encourages them to keep in school and gives them hope in Jesus Christ. they get meals and are visited .they have bible and worship on give them hope and draws them with the LOVE of the LORD! a true light house for many .

Anne R
Their honest care and love for

the children, for those who are at risk of trafficking and those who are already trafficked
Well done Hope House
God bless you in all that you do on behalf of the Lord

Theresa Murillo
To best serve the children & families, to gain trust & respect…live where they live!
This servant of the LORD has stayed FAITHFULLY…10 years, to exact…when many have come & gone. Serving in the slums of Cebu is EXTREMELY challenging & at times, dangerous. David has kept moving forward with solutions & hope for those he has grown to love!
What a Father’s heart he has. What GRACE the FATHER has given David thru Jesus Christ, his LORD & REDEEMER!!

Joseph Matthew
Genuinely driven by God’s love to help children and their families living below the poverty line. They are also teaching the children and their families the Gospel with Bible study and by living it. ? ?

Daniel D
David feeds clothes and puts these children in school. unlike other “charities ? all the money goes to helping the children.

Yahuah is a lover of Children. Hope House has been doing this since I have been on Facebook… They help the Children…

Michael Montgomery

You have a gift that God has given you and I am glad to be your friend and part of theHope House family.

Yvette Hurley

I was the first sponsor for Hope House. Im very proud of the girls I sponsored. I grew up in same church, same hometown,same schools with David. He’s been a prodical son who woke up in a pig sty….but I guarantee he isn’t a scam or a phoney. He cares & is the real deal when it comes to those kids. `

Eli Hernandez
December 31, 2017 ·

David’s Love and Intrepidness for God and His work is obvious. May the Lord Jesus Christ cause this

Nigel Pope What I saw at Hope House Cebu, were children being fed, getting brand new clothes, and most were from middle to higher end stores, and not bargain basement shops. David also buys less expensive clothes, but he told me that he wants them to have good clothes as well. I saw teenagers with cell phones and just to see them apart from where they live, you would think they were middle class kids, both in their behavior and their dress. You would never guess they lived in slum poverty. David has done a truly incredible job with these kids, nothing short of a miracle really. David has come a long ways since I was there, and if the kids have progressed since I saw them, it might be I would see something even more amazing than I have already seen. The kids love David and I saw that for myself. I also saw where some people slandered his ministry. That is very sad and unfortunate. I don’t know what they think they saw, but I didn’t see it, and I don’t believe any of it based on my own experience. The Filipino people may be poor, but they are far from stupid.. There is no way David would command the respect and loyalty he has there with hundreds of people, maybe thousands, if he were not being more than fair with them.. God bless this ministry and God bless you David.. you are a true servant of God, and much more.

Judith Breeden McFarland

…what an awesome ministry…

Carmel Carlson

This man runs a ministry worth supporting.He speaks truth, and lives it


Clara S

I am a Children’s church Pastor support Dave 100%

Michelle Maronge Verret

It has been said that, “Whatever you make happen for other people, God will make happen for you. ? Until you help someone facilitate their dream, you have no right to expect yours to come to pass. There’s something you learn from helping other people with their dreams that prepares you for your own. By Bishop T. D. Jakes Ithought of you when I read this today!

Antonia Nichols

Hope House is a blessing! Blessings to pray for, blessing to hear from,blessing to help, blessing to know that some people have God’s heart out there who are do care about the hopeless.

Katherine W

At the end of the day money going to David actually reaches the children, which is more than can be said by a lot of other organizations. He is fab !Marsha Karen Fowler David, I think it is BECAUSE of the way you run Hope House, that so many are willing to help. I love being a partner with you because you care so much for these people, especially the children. And we know this because of regular photos, and videos of your interactions with them. I know God is going to continue to bless this work, as long as you continue torun it as you have been doing. You have a HEART for doing this; people, and more importantly, GOD, see this and support your efforts!

Christina Ricca Vazquez

What a wonderful thing being done by God through David and Ailene at Hope House We will continue to support this mission in whatever ways we can.

Kimberly Quisenberry

You are doing an amazing job for Gods Kingdom…keep up the awesome work for HIM!!~~!! Isend many prayers up for You and All the Children…Always in my heart….i will send friends your way!!~~!! God Bless You and All That You Do!

Nina Davis..

…. Thank you for posting these! And please tell David I can see Jesus in his eyes on the pic of the two of you together. Only people who truly live for God have that specific light/kindness in their eyes, its something only Jesus can put there. Have only seen it in a few others eyes in my life. And THAT is the ONLY cv I would ever need from him about his work in the phillipines. He is for real. I know that.


Instead of being groomed to work in bikini bars, sold into human trafficking, or sleeping in cardboard boxes on the street, these kids are attending VBS and learning the joy of the Lord – all thanks to one guy who cared enough to make a better life for them, David Wilkerson. Add him to your friends list and you will be blessed

Dil Marple-Horvat David, your posts are searing in their honesty and focussed commitment to the children. Its obvious they are all that is important to you. Your response to detractors is right and I agree with Mike. Its a privilege to help you in any way because God is saving children’s lives through Hope House.

Bonnie S everyone I love this man of God, David Wilkerson, he has helped these children in such a God sent Way, and I believe the Lord has sent him there to the Phippines to help these homeless children, he takes them to his home, the House of Cehu, and many childrens lives were changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have watched David for three years and his ministry is growing. He would love to friend you, and believe me you will bow and pray for him and the children. Its so beautiful. God is working among them, and I also believe the Greater things will David do in the Holy Spirit Manifestion. Praise God. Every child David witness to gave their heart to Jesus and God began to change their lives. They smiling and they have food to eat and clean clothes now. David started out small and he began to pick the kids up and fed them. They have no beds to sleep on no shelter nothing. I am supporter for him. I think its wonderful. No matter how they live they accepted Jesus. We as America, are too prideful to even want God because we have everything, and that is pride. Sad to say. I have watched David and seen his trials and tribulations and God pulled him through, and no devil in hell will stop him for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its amazing. It truly is.

Shirley Scarbrough

Thank You God she is safe now. God Bless all the children going throught abuse. Keep them in Your Protection and Loving Care.



Michael Smith

Now wait a minute…..this is SOMEONE ELSE’S kids he, and his wife have devoted their lives to help. This is the children offended, by their generation. And Jesus reached out to them, through a willing soul. Hands and feet of Jesus means handing something to a need in someone. Highest respect for this example of Jesus love.

Terri B

Yes I give and I give joyfully! Knowing the money is seed and it’s going into fertile soil! I know of no other ministry than this one that has the fruit of the Kingdom of Heaven! Love,love this work of God and I’m so thankful for David and Ailene and their hearts for these children


David is a man who has been through the gamut of human experiences, and God has called him to minister to impoverished and trafficked children in the Philippines. David is not here for monetary gain of any kind. He came here and got a job, and then God told him that he should help homeless children and so he did. By feeding them and giving them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And he is doing the same thing with Trafficked girls; taking them out of their environment and showing them how good Jesus wants them to have it if they turn from that life. A lot of them have and a lot of them are going to yet.

All I can say is the Spirit of God HAS to be on you for you to do what you are doing there. It breaks my heart and makes my stomach sick knowing what the children there go through. And seeing dead bodies of kids on top of garbage piles or the kids filthy and starving with no parent to protect and care for them. I pray so hard for God to save them. God HAS to be giving you the grace and strength to handle all you do and go through. I’m so excited about the school too! I’m sure that will bring so much hope to the kids!… from a sponsor

Steven Arnold

Amen Mk.16:18 ! I HAVE seen the Proof Bro. and Have talked to Friends in The Phillipines , You’re doing an Amazing Work By The Spirit out there,

Rick Trahan you get more than you give….trust me

Gary Hicks· Jesus Christ gave his life for all of us and we can see picture of Him in David Wilkerson as he give his life for these kids. God bless men an women who are willing to lay down there lives to help other

Betty Yontzy

To god be the glory great things he is doing through David Wilkerson ministry!

Susan Kirwin to John Graf

-my husband is a trained minister and we are In Australia. We have been supporter of the ministries of David Wilkerson And Hope House since virtually the start of his ministry in Cebu, after we had satisfied ourselves that our support is being channeled directly to the need We have been assured time & again that every cent paid to the Ministry there goes to right to the designated recipient without any costs for administration or other ‘miscellaneous’ needs. We have total faith in David but also proof of his honesty and integrity. Give with confidence that your money will be used fully for the need. May God bless you as you support these people.

Rosanne Murano Farese You are a modern day prophet – you tell the people eternal truths.

Sandrine Bryant McClain

It’s positive doesn’t say enough about my perception of Hope House. It’s beyond positive and based 100% on my personal experience, not just word of mouth. I am so blessed to be able to sponsor Clarissa and am so thankful that God has put this mission on David’s heart and spirit. To help these little ones to not only survive and overcome, but to also grow and make a life for themselves. But wait, David doesn’t just help the children, he also also helps adults that are in dire straits. God bless you David and all of the people who contribute to God’s work at Hope House day

Lydia Fenton

Amen about DavidandAilene Wilkerson & David M Wilkerson! His fruit and works speak volumes that it’s the Spirit of God working through him in the Philippines.


Barbara Amen!!! Yes David I want to add my voice to this and give God the honour and glory He deserves for He knew He was choosing the right person with the right attitude to do this for HIM!! I have worked for years on a smaller scale than you with a childrens home back here in Africa and the heartache but ultimate joy of being on the ground with these broken children and then seeing them grow and bloom into the adults that God had planned for them is something you would not understand unless you experience it first hand. Strong leaders emerge like beautiful butterflies from cacoons and in turn mentor others again. And all because someone was prepared to hear God’s calling and to push through and give them a chance. David you and your family and team are constantly in our prayers and I just want to say thank you to God for giving you this privilege of working with these precious children, for that is what it is…a privilege. May His grace and mercy and protection always be over you and yours. And thank you for being faithful to HIM and never listen to the world. Keep your eyes upwards for that is where your help comes from. Bless you precious obedient son of God.

Lisa Moore

This is beautiful.When I think back to the first photos I saw of these kiddies a few months ago. Dirty, torn clothing, hungry and sad – now look at these Hope House Kiddies. Makes it all so worthwhile. David – you do work miracles.

Jonathan Lawrence when i started facebook i made a point of adding Christians who inspire me in the faith. of my 598 facebook friends, David Wilkerson, whom i’ve known now for roughly 4 years, is at or near the top of Christians who inspire me in the faith, especially in terms of living every day according to what is asked of us in the Scriptures.

Jamie Truesdale Hope house is a lighthouse to abused trafficked kids

Mike O’Neill

Arlie, what David and his crew are doing is nothing less then spectacular, and all under the power of the Holy Spirit, for if it was not, they would not have been able to get as far as they have in such a short time…. take a look at the street scenes and other photo she has posted. I know he has over 100 girls sponsored as well as other children and I believe he has been able to get a couple adults sponsored ( helping them up on their feet)and a couple dwellings repaired / built for more livable conditions. I may not be one hundred percent correct, so you will have to look at the page and see what is going on. we have been sponsoring a child now for almost a year, I can not recall the actual start date,so I will look back cause that will be like a day for a new birthday girl….. 🙂 .

All I can say is the Spirit of God HAS to be on you for you to do what you are doing there. It breaks my heart and makes my stomach sick knowing what the children there go through. And seeing dead bodies of kids on top of garbage piles or the kids filthy and starving with no parent to protect and care for them. I pray so hard for God to save them. God HAS to be giving you the grace and strength to handle all you do and go through. I’m so excited about the school too! I’m sure that will bring so much hope to the kids!… from a sponsor

I am Robilyn. Tito David helped me through my schooling. I am very grateful. I am happy in my life now. I graduated high school.

My name is Katherine and I was sponsored at Hope House by Touch 1000 lives. I was so blessed to be supported in school. I graduated and I am very thankful. Im very thankful to Jesus. Tito David taught us a lot by his life and not just his words.

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