Lyn Jim Sicard
April 17, 2018 ·
David M Wilkerson, Visited this ministry last night of stay in Philippines.
Absolutely 100% can support. I can recommend anyone giving money to this ministry, that the money goes for nothing but support for people in great need, please ask me anything
Glenn F——- Hope House Cebu is not just another souless charity organization operating in the slums of Mambaling. Children that live in the most wretched poverty and danger are afforded safety, new clean clothes, rice for their families. Electricity bills are paid so that a shack can have lights and children that would not even be allowed in a fast food place are taken for ice cream and the little extras that we do not give a second thought to. They are treated like creations of inestimable value and not just generic”pagan babies” to assuage Western guilt. Hope House gets them off the streets and feeds them the gospel of Jesus Christ-the most valuable beauty and power in the universe. On the HHC site you can see frequent pictures of your “children” and form relationships….touch lives and do mercy you never thought possible. If Christ’s love constrains you to act in love……consider Hope House Cebu…….

KAREN ROWAN— WAS HERE 10 DAYS in September 2019
21 hrs ·
My observation of Hope House Ministry:
God called me to go to Hope House in Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines to share His love with them and to see first-hand the work they are doing.
The ministry is truly one of HOPE for the hopeless, helpless, and impoverished people in the inner city slums of Cebu City. They provide for the basic needs of children and adults, giving food, clothing, shelter for some, and medical assistance who otherwise would have none. Jesus Christ is the foundation as the only true HOPE of seeing lives changed.
David Wilkerson, the founder, along with his wife and her sisters, have a genuine love and compassion for these kids.
In this extreme poverty, there is much demonic oppression and Hope House is continually attacked in various ways. In the past 2 years or so the attacks have been fierce against the ministry and against David’s own character. Many donations were lost and the children have suffered because of this. David and his helpers were very open and transparent with me and I saw no evidence of any of the lies that were spoken against them. I believe they are the real deal! They continue to go forward, trusting God to make a way for the ministry to grow to help more kids and families.
I want to make you aware of the great need in this place. They need financial help — it costs so much to meet the needs of the people who have nothing! Imagine if you had no food and no way to get some!!
Carl Henderson. ( Carl was here several years )
Let me confirm the truth of your comments. I have seen so many missionaries come to the Philippines and say they were there for 3-years or one year and one couple even said they were staying for life and they were all gone in less than 1 1/2 years and two couples were gone after just 6-months,… And none of them had hard slum ministries in the squatter areas like you do,… You are living with the people which is very hard physically and emotionally. I would do that for a few weeks or a month at a time and I always went home sick and needed a couple of weeks to recover from the dehydration, fatigue, rashes, colds, asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia, etc,.. Several times I ended up in the hospital and I am an old soldier used to hard living in Africa and the heat of the southwest border of the USA. Most people can not even stand the stench, flies, cockroaches everywhere, let alone the tasteless food (tasteless by American standards), or the giant rats, mosquitos, air pollution, stifling, unrelenting, sweltering heat and humidity. I would soak three or four shirts a day in sweat if I could change them but mostly I wore one soaking wet shirt all day long and carried a sweat towel, to wipe sweat from my face… As I said, the stench and the heat have most people grossed out and exhausted in less than three days. Even our Filipino missionaries who came from other places in the Philippines were shocked at life and the conditions in the slum and squatter areas,… You have my respect David M Wilkerson!

Touch1000Lives is a UK registered charity and we started sponsoring children at Hope House Cebu about 6 years ago, we weren’t the first but we were early supporters. As we are required to verify that the intended beneficiaries are indeed being helped, we watched very closely how the first child, and then the second, changed dramatically for the better once they were sponsored. I have individual photo albums of all our sponsored children on my facebook page stretching all the way back. Take a look and see the children growing up happy and healthy. Once we saw the benefits we ramped up the number we sponsor gradually to the current 18. You can see all their stories in those albums and on the Touch1000Lives group page, which I use as a newsfeed for anything the charity supports. Again, you can look back all the way over the years there. All the evidence is that David and his team at Hope House are very effective supporters of a large number of local children and families. They deserve our support, and the children do indeed have a hope and a future, which they otherwise would not have, as a result of the support they receive. As David says, the older children have now completed high school and are in college. This alone is a major achievement bearing in mind where they’ve all come from. We will be increasing our monthly child sponsorship support

One man’s journey from maximum security prison in USA, to rescue the forgotten children of the Philippines.
By Dean Weir on October 10, 2017
This guys life story is simply amazing. from his difficult teenage years to maximum security prison. From Salvation to a determination to rescue sex trafficked and homeless children and impoverished families in the Philippines. Through his selfless work David has endured turmoil and personal hardship to bring the love of Jesus Christ into an area of extreme poverty. On a shoestring budget, David, his wife and a small team of trusted locals have brought hope and kindness to many children who had no hope, and rescued many from a life of exploitation. In Hope House, David has established a place of refuge and provision for those in fear and need. The story is a genuine testimony to the Grace of God.


HOPE HOUSE CHURCH CEBU From Andy Curtis who visited our place here today

And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works,
Hebrews 10:24

Its been an amazing honour to see the work Jesus Christ is doing through David Wilkerson and his wife Aileen with the poor in their part of Cebu.

Great to hear the testimonies of what God has done , and my hope and prayer is that many more individuals and churches get behind this much needed ministry.
This rough and tough place needs a rough diamond like David to survive here, it aint for the weak hearted and as i soon learnt David is a diamond in the rough.

I hope some day God will allow me the honour to return there soon . Rest assure the haters will keep on hating Hope House because religious people hate the move of God and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus experienced much the same with the pharisees so we shouldnt expect anything less when we obey God’s calling on our lives. .

Duane Cogburn and his wife Anita visited in early Feb 2019. Also visting was Ed Anderson. They are from Sierra Vista Arizona. Bro, Duane said “We praise God for what He is doing through David at Hope House” .

Stuart Graham and his wife Laarnie live here.

Stuart is a pastor

If you would like to support Hope House by sponsoring a child on a regular basis or with one off gifts, please contact David. He will be only too happy to explain the different ways you can give online. This is a ministry I support and I can fully endorse it as the genuine article. The vast majority of the money raised goes directly to help the children. There is no top heavy administration and no large salaries to pay for. It’s all about the kids..

Frederick and Grace visited us not long ago and was accompanied by his friend Grace who is a nurse in Manila. They went with us visiting people in poverty areas. Frederick pointed out that we ourselves had been living very modestly in our rental place here, and commented on our rat and roach problem. Our house was flooded when they arrived and they stayed at the outreach center.

Frederick gave a wonderful sermon at our bible time, and several answered the call to receive Jesus. Grace was very kind and caring visiting the people who were sick in the slum areas. They both have a wonderful and caring attitude. Frederick and his fiancé Grace visited us earlier this year… This was one of his posts about it:

“feeling rough only 12 hours sleep since Wednesday , but life could be worse ,am in slums in Cebu with a Christian ministry , walking to homes through flooded streets full of raw sewage , ,last night I was at home of david and Aileen who run the ministry they live very humbly in the slums also ,was in there home and rats run over your feet in the floor and the cockroaches I mistook for mice they were that big , seen big rat in the toilet this morning he ran off as I walked in ,and rats certainly must not came out to were I was trying to sleep on the floor with my very loud snoring for the few hours I slept will post picts next week will be an interesting day today as we do outreach and meet the people of the slums , “

Debbie Nowak

19 hours ago via mobile The poverty here in Cebu is waaaay more than I ever imagined! David himself lives in a home that is nothing fancy that’s for sure. I visited a home today and asked the family “Where do you sleep?” They pointed to the bare plywood on the floor(family of 5 i believe) sleeping on a floor that’s @ 6 feet by 6 feet. David Wilkerson often times posts pictures of kids with new clothes and you don’t really get to see the poverty they live in those new clothes and food David provides TRULY gives them hope and makes them feel more human! Thank you to all the sponsors your money helps these children feel love and accepted. I have seen the children here that live right next to David who do not have sponsors they were barefoot, in rags, digging in the trash! They live 50 yards away! Hope house IS MAKING A HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!! ♥♥♥ Debbie

Now about an hour ago Well I’m off to bed soon, it’s 10:30pm here in the Philippines. Today we went to go feed the kids in the “Alaska” area 180 peanut butter sandwiches. It may not seem like much but to those children it was like gold. No smiles on their faces until they received that sandwich. These children were dressed in rags, no shoes on their feet, and walking in scum. Babies were walking around naked, but you know what? They were SO HAPPY to feel loved even if for just that moment. The smiles on their faces make me cry thinking about them. Hope House provides so the children in this are a don’t look like that. Hope house kids TRULY have hope, not in the clothes and rice given tot hem but in Jesus Christ! David Wilkerson shares Jesus with these kids ALL THE TIME! I love to hear him talk about Jesus. He truly has a heart for the Lord and really loves these kids. He lives no extravagant life by any means. I have seen with my own two eyes. He truly cares for them and shares the love of Jesus with those around Him.


Tito ask us to give a statement. Tito David help me first when my mother died in childbirth. Tito David is very funny and he makes me laugh. He does care about us. He talked a lot here about getting out of poverty. He said he really hates the poverty. I went with Tito on outreaches and I also worked for him online and also taking care of the children. He has us going to a church by the old Fooda and that shows that he is also humble. He is not the leader or the pastor there, but he is just thinking of what is best for the children. I have seen him make many sacrifices in his life for us. He did not buy expensive things for himself. He talked a lot about education and work. He always say learn and work, learn and work. Im telling you how to rise up. You have to listen to me. I am telling you the truth. I am telling you how to do it. You are young, you have your whole life ahead. You can do anything, You can go to other countries. All you have to do is learn and work and one last thing. You have to believe. Just believe. I was saved at Hope House church and God has blessed me with a loyal and hard working wife and a beautiful daughter. I am very blessed and thankful. I got my high school diploma now. My wife has some college. We made mistakes but God is good. Tito David is a very forgiving person. He was abused a lot here. He is a strong man. I think today he is even stronger. I thought he was going to quit, but then I see God in him again. He is not going to quit. He is going to keep his promise to us. He said. I will die here. they will take me out in a box. Thank you to all the supporters. Thank you for helping us. Especially thank you to Jesus and God.

Jenny Rose Roda

I am one of the original Hope House girls from 2009. Tito David built a house for me and my family so I could do my studies. I got my own room. Hope House has done a lot for many people. I am a Christian. I graduated high school and I have some college. I am working at the Colonade mall. Thank you to the supporters for all you did for me and for all of us. Thank you Jesus who is my Lord and Savior

Mabelle Roda

I have been in Hope House since the very start. My nieces and nephews have been helped a lot and also me. Tito David gave me jobs cooking for the church and for outreach. I was so happy to earn money to feed my family. God bless Hope House

Jasmine Quinte

Hope House supports me in school. They also give my family rice and food. I attend church also. We learn the bible and also English. Thank you to everybody

I have been sponsored at Hope House for 10 years. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity given to me by God. I am an honor student and also help Tito David at Hope House. I help with children’s bible and also English.

Edelle Grace
I am one of the original Hope house girls from 2010. I was raised by my grandmother who passed before I finished high school. Tito David paid for all my schooling and much more. I am so very grateful.

Jonathan and Angie Cornwall.

We have been to Hope House twice and this is a genuine ministry. My wife is from Cebu and she speaks the language speaks the language​. We are regular supporters of Hope House. When I heard the children sing I cried. The presence of God is at Hope House . David and Ailene live a very modest life.

Jeff has been here several times and his wife Karin has also visited us

We have been sending financial support to David since 2013. David, the founder, felt the Lord leading him to actually live in the slums, with the goal of bringing the Kingdom of God to a very needy community. As a result, lives have been changed and, I truly believe, many children have been protected from the human traffickers who prowl neighborhoods like this in search of easy targets desperate to believe their lies about a better life.

This is really a no-frills, low-budget ministry that seeks to change lives through long-term relationships. David has gone through a lot of trials and missteps along the way, he’s quick to admit, but is learning and doing as best he can with the limited resources at his disposal. David, along with his wife Ailene, are truly living humbly—I know I couldn’t do what he does, apart from a miraculous outpouring of grace!

I’m having a great time interacting with the kids!


Patrick Cole former USAF

I visited David and his wife Ailene with the purpose of making a video about their ministry. I made the video and David has posted it. This is a real ministry that I support, and I hope to be able to return. As I pack my bags on this early Tuesday morning here in the Philippines, it’s hard for me to believe the past 3 weeks are already over. As I head back to Japan, I’ll definitely have the kids and David’s ministry on my mind and prayers. I got to interview some of the mothers and kids as well about how this ministry has affected, and in many ways, changed their lives. God and the Gospel is moving in the Philippines. The poverty here is real, but not just physical needs, they have spiritual needs as well. David’s hope house for the kids provides that immensely in the spiritual darkness much of this place is in.

Joe Prusac ( posted on Joes Facebook)
1 min ·
My name is Joe Prusac, I am 48 years old I am visiting HopeHouse Church from Australia.
I have been following Hope House for some time and I had a dream when I was in my teens to do missionary work..
I feel like I was sent by God to tell the true story of Hope House. David is a true inspiration. He is selfless, caring and kind. What he has done and is doing is beyond human.
I spoke to many people here and they love David, and the children love David. Everywhere David has taken me, children run up to him. They love David.
I don’t think he knows what he has done here and I dont think he knows how much he has affected people around the world. David also makes people laugh and has a tremendous ability to reach people through humor. I heard some of his story from the past, and I think I have met a man who was truly called by God, more than anyone I have met in my life. Both David and Ailene are pure souls.
I also have seen David giving and he doesn’t photo it. There is a lot of giving going on here that nobody sees. There is also a lot of teaching going on here.
The children are so happy here at Hope House and they feel safe here. Children are in fact being trafficked here and I have seen this for myself. David also puts himself at risk in places that he goes. People are being shot in those areas. This place is so important. It is needed. If God were not in this, David would have been gone a long time ago. Ive spoken to many children who are in school because of Hope House. I have spoken to young people in college who tell me they are in college because of David.
This is the work of God here. The children here need help .

Glenn S. I have been to Hope House twice and I support what they are doing. I met many of the children and they were happy with Hope House , as well as the adults. We went out feeding on outreach and it is a very eye opening experience. They need our help.

Ralph M. Wells Indeed, I have preached there many times and David is the “real deal!”

Thank you Tito David for all you did for us supporting us in school and also for helping our family re-build after the fire here. We were so discouraged that we lost everything, but then you were there at the gym passing out big meals for everyone. I remember what you said, you said ” oh you are not homeless, you are home free… Praise God” and then it was not long and there were trucks bringing materials for our house. I don’t know how you do it Tito David, but thank you so much. And Thank you Jesus and Yvonne.
Angela Brondo

Thank you Tito David and Hope House and all the supporters. I am in college and also holding a job in a professional company. You taught me to believe Tito, and never give up on your dreams. You also taught me how to fight. I am so proud that I was one of the original girls. I am also a Christian, and I am very thankful to Jesus for what he did for me.
Angelica Brondo

Thank you Hope House and Tito David for supporting me in school for many years. I am in high school now and I will go to college. I am very thankful to God as I did not have a father to support me.
Margaret Pena

Thank you to Hope House for supporting me in School for many years and all the help you gave my family. Thank you for the food and for all. Thank you for teaching so many how to care about each other. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me.
Robilyn Buenavista

Ed Anderson: I had the opportunity to visit David and Hope House this year. David and I grew up in the same denomination. I was in Arizona and David was in New Mexico. David came to Arizona and went to college in Tempe at ASU. As I told the group here when I spoke, I knew David 40 years ago and he was a bad man. If God can change David, he can change anyone. It was amazing to see him after all these years and more amazing to see what God is doing through David, and even more amazing knowing the David before and the David today. Amazing Grace. They truly need your help, and it was obvious to us That David puts the children first in his life

Debbie Nowak
I personally was at Hope House in 2013 for 13 days! I personally seen and talked to David everyday. I seen all the kids that David posts and none of them had nothing negative to say about David! I was even alone with them and they had every opportunity to tell me anything they wanted and nothing but good things came from their mouth! Jealousy runs rampant in poor countries so some kids if they don’t get exactly what another child does they spread rumors. David does his best to help those around him and even people that he sees on his walks along the way. People in the streets would even smile at David when he went by. If he was such a terrible human being I would have known when I was there. David might not do things exactly how another person might do things over there but that does not mean those rumors are true! He is doing the best he can with the money that is given to him for those children! He does not by any means live a lavish lifestyle. What you see him post is what he lives. I seen it with my own eyes

Scarlet Lastimoso: I am very thankful to God and Hope House for supporting me in school since elementary school. I am in high school now. At Hope House I learned a different way. Tito David is a good teacher and ate Ailene also the bible. Tito David doesn’t just talk about the bible, he talks about winning. He talks about overcoming this poverty. He said Jesus overcame and through Him you also will overcome. I will overcome in Jesus mighty name. I have a future. I trust God because He cares for me. God will make a way.

Kathryn David and Ailene minister to children and their family members if they have any, in a country where the all year round hot climate is conducive to the homelessness. This is a country that suffers extreme unemployment, total social breakdown, the poorest of poor with close to nil Social Services. Where the family nucleus is no longer honoured and children suffer one of the highest rates of sexual exploitation in the world! A country with a social system that does not see children as a precious gift from God. But David does!!
David’s ministry is all about the CHILDREN.
I have not met him personally…but I’ve had countless conversations with David via messenger over the last 5 years and supported him and believe 100 % he’s doing what he says and shows he’s doing over Facebook. He’s also supported by a rather established church out of the USA called Heaven’s Family from where Jeff Trotter comes (see comments for Jeff’s churches Web site), and is sent to the Philippines at least once a year or so to see David’s ministry because of their contribution. I also have a Facebook friend Noreen Lowis out of Pennsylvania, whom I’ve travelled internationally with, who also vetted David thoroughly before supporting his ministry.
It truly is a front line ministry for children that JESUS believes in..

Catherine Villaver

Tito David and Hope House helped me all through school since elementary school I am in high school now. I am very thankful. Tito David also built a house for me twice. He built one house and it was lost in the fire here , and so he built another one after that. Thank you Dil Horvat for never giving up on David. You helped so many children here. We hope to meet you someday so we can say thank you.


Hi everyone, hope you’re doing well. This is the mission in the Philippines, Hope House, that I have been involved with for about 8 years now, by supporting the mission directly AND by supporting a young man by the name of Kyle (I’m sure you’ve seen the pics I’ve posted of him my FB page through the years). He’s grown into a strong, smart young man who loves the Lord. You would be so impressed at how many young men and ladies have gotten thru high school and college all thanks to the wonderful supporters…but more so for David Wilkerson. He and his lovely wife Ailene give them the opportunities to do so. Keeps them clean, fed, gets them the school uniforms they need, and the books, paper, pencils & pens,etc. He has put his heart and soul into Hope House. So many BELIEVE in his mission, I do – always have ALWAYS WILL.
As a side note: Both my daughter’s were VERY ‘upset’ years ago when I first told them what I was doing, sponsoring a 5 yr old little boy monthly. I was so proud and happy to love this little boy and help him. Instead of sharing my excitement and basically pure JOY!! they made it quite clear that they were “less than impressed” (how can you do this when you have money issues????) Because my friends, because a child is suffering, CHILDREN are suffering. And my $35/month sponsors Kyle and provides for his needs. If I do come up short one month? David covers for me…NO CHILD is left alone or unfed. Praise God.
It’s the holiday season my friends so I ask if you might have an extra $5 or $10 to send to this MOST WORTHY cause, would you please send it? Right now, with your help, they are completing the 3rd and 4th floors of a new building they’ve been working so hard to finish, that will be used for Church, School, and the multitudes of get togethers planned by the Church.
David is SAVING CHILDREN from the streets – the worse is
Human Trafficking, yes ‘bad men’ pull these young girls from the streets and sell them to ‘other bad men’ who do unspeakable things to them. Only to be returned to be sold to some ‘other bad man’…my sweet Lord they need your help.
Then there’s the hunger and, once clean, and in nice clean clothes, with a FULL belly…David teaches them how VERY MUCH God, and our saviour Jesus Christ…LOVES THEM. How MUCH He loves them and how He will never EVER leave them, they will NEVER be alone again. David has saved HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of children, some just young babies lying on a sheet of cardboard on the cover over their small head, no blanket for their young bodies. Would you please help? You and I have SO much to be thankful for, would you give these babes a reason to be thankful also? This is a solid, accredited mission, papers on record.
Thank you so VERY much for considering my request. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! 💘 LOVE you!! Give at the link below… thank you

Deborah Panks

I have been following this ministry since it started and have seen God working through the lives of these children. I love following the children and see the Love that Hope house shows to the children and their families can be seen through the videos and pictures that David regularly posts about the work they are doing showing their progress

Patrick Moore ,

I have been a Hope House supporter since 2012, when I felt convicted by God to begin donating. I have been a monthly donor since then, and continue to be one to this day.

Over the years I have been amazed at the sheer volume of posts, thoughts, Bible verses, photos and videos documenting the journey there. I mean literally tens of thousands of photos that I have seen personally, as well as thousands of videos, of which there are so many I have been unable to watch them all. In addition I am friends with others on Facebook who have visited there and personally witnessed their ministry in action. They are some of my most valued Facebook friends, and I trust what they have written about Hope House. In addition, I am friends with over 20 of the children/adults who have been part of Hope House’s success, some since 2013. I have watched them grow in the photos from children into beautiful young men and women of God. Their stories and lives are a testimony to what God is doing there. They all tell the real story – the story of a man who has sacrificed EVERYTHING for them, and for God.

It is my opinion that there is no possible way that all of what I have seen could have been faked. Not by a long shot. And the posts speak for themselves – EVERYTHING there is well-documented down to the last detail. That is how David earned my trust and my support, and I will continue to support this ministry.

Jonathan Rose: The Hope House children are different than the children around that area. They have better clothes, eat better and are cared for . Jonathan stayed at our house for about a month .

Rhechelle Tabada Abadilla
I graduated High School and graduated college now thanks to Hope House. They supported me all the way through. I am also a Christian. I praise the Lord for all He has done here for so many. I have a job as a teacher at a private school.

Scott Mixon recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 9 at 3:12 AM ·


Abby Brondo

I am very thankful that God sent Tito David to my country and for helping me. I graduated high school and am in college and working. I woke up one day here with Jesus in my heart. Tito David also helped build a house for me after our house burned down in the fire here. .

Betty Jean · 3:38 David, I know your real, I have been praying for you for a few years now …and I sure see answered prayers, all the time, you have a wonderful ministry here, you help many, thank you from my heart for saving so many children’s lives and souls…Bless Your Ministry Greatly …Amen…



Chuck Bott recommends David M Wilkerson.
April 5 at 4:35 AM ·
The Lord Jesus Christ is working through this ministry!


Kimberly Varwig
February 20 at 7:23 PM ·

I still do not know how I came across this page but I just watched the videos and seen pics some good and some not so good but its how it is there, and after awhile I just knew that no matter what I was going threw here in Ohio financial or health issues could not even come close to what I seen what goes on over there😪not to long after just watching it was put on my heart to do something even if its only a little. Watching Hope House grow and seeing the children enjoy birthday cakes, new clothes, swimming trips, money for school & mostly PRAISING JESUS❤ has helped me more than I could imagine, GOD BLESS my lil sponsor child And EVERYONE in Hope House and EVERYONE helping❗

Thank you Tito David for giving me the opportunity to work and learn at your house. Thank you for helping me find a job. I want to improve my skills. I am now a plumbers helper but I plan to be much more.


Hezel Lou Bautista Angco

Thank you Tito and ate Ailene and my sponsor for helping me and my family. Because of you, we are not kicked out of our place. I can go to school. Thank you for the medicines also for my epilepsy

Angela Brondo

Hope House helped me all through my schooling and Tito David helped us get a new house when our house burned down. I am a Christian and I am also working. I was so blessed to be one of the first girls in Hope House. Tito David would always take us places and we went swimming and eating out. I will always remember what Tito did for us.


Rochelyn Villarubia Alberca
I am Rochelyn, I graduated high school and I have some college. I am working at Ayala Mall. Hope House supported me in school all of my school years. Thank you to all the supporters and to God. I dont know where I would be today without God and Hope House

Sarah Dennis
19 hrs ·

This is one of the children we sponsor through Hope House in the Philippines. The difference I’ve seen in Arjane in the time we’ve known her has been incredible, but these pictures show the stark contrast to when she first became known to Hope House, before we knew her, until now. I highly recommend sponsoring a child through them, or just donating, as they help many children without sponsors. It’s not just raising children out of poverty, but also keeping young girls out of trafficking which is huge over there.
In fact, here’s a valentines day gift idea, instead of buying chocolate and flowers and whatever else for someone, pay for the hope of a child. Sponsor a child, or give enough for school supplies so these children can get educated, or meals so they can eat and not starve. The extreme poverty in this area is unimaginable.

Ronald Corrigan

Day in and Day out you are there. Thank God his Grace is new every morning for Tito David. God Bless and strengthen you today.

Ashley Jabagat
I am so very thankful to Hope House for supporting me through school and now I finished a college course, and will go on for more education. Tito David gave me the inspiration to go on, and he always help me. Tito sacrifice his own life for us and that is why we love and respect him. I praise God also and for my salvation.

Cathy Broadway recommends David M Wilkerson.
April 6 at 1:43 AM ·
Ive been supporting children through his ministry for 6 years. Very pleased with the pictures and videos I see of what David is doing for them and others.

Kim Huston

I thank God for this ministry. Over the past several years, I have watched the children I sponsor grow. It is amazing to see what God is doing in their lives!

I am so thankful to God for helping me. I graduated high school. Tito David also built me a house. We also learned bible and praise Jesus I am saved.

Susan Y. What I like are the updates I recieve. Far more than anyone else. I feel so connected with my sponsored child

Anne Reeves
David has challenged me in many ways
It is easy to turn your head away from the huge problems of enormity of the task
But, David and Ailene are showing “the get in amongst it “attitude that is needed” to make a difference
I may not be able to give much each time but I know that it is now a priority of mine to help even in a little way
Thank you both and all that help


Barbara Coup recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 31 at 1:27 AM ·

I have been following all the work done by David and Hope House for a few years now and ALL I have seen is the love of God in action. Although David has been facing persecution and challenges he pushes forward, in the Lord’s strength, and has reached so many endangered children and given them hope, a warm place to stay, food and most of all, shown them the true love of Jesus and brought them to new life. Bless you brother David and keep doing what you have been doing for many children have been given a second chance at life and happiness because you were prepared to stand in the gap for these precious little ones!!!

My name is Rocky and I am learning how to make furniture at Hope House. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to learn a skill. I am now working in construction.

Theresa Murillo
I love the before & after pics. 10 years of DILIGENT & FAITHFUL cultivation of

TGod’s grace into these children’s lives & it shows!!
This beautiful & precious man is bearing MUCH fruit for the Kingdom! Many have gone on to graduate from college, many NOW serve along side David!

Jovy Lastimoso

My name is Jovy and I am a Hope House girl since 2010. Tito David would take us out to eat and also swimming at the beach and also at swimming pools. We really liked to go swimming. I went to church also and learned Bible. I am very thankful that I got the help for school.

Lyster Roda Alberca

Tito David took me in when my mother died in childbirth. He supported me in school and now I am in college. I earn money working online. I am in school for IT Tito David is a very intelligent man. I also learned English being around him. I have seen all the attacks he has gone through online by stupid people. They dont care about us. Tito David does care about us and He has made a big difference in the lives of many. He never leave us. He has always been there for me. I am a Christian.

Josh Roda

I am Joshua or they also call me Hua. I have been in Hope House since the start. Tito David has always been a very big help to me. He is very understanding of my problems. I am close to Tito David and I know him well. He is a good man. Hes different than other foreigners. I saw Tito David suffer a lot here, but hes a big inspiration to me. He is also very funny sometimes. I just want to thank everyone. I am in college now and its because of the supporters. Im very thankful to Jesus. I am a Christian. My girlfriend used to be a Muslim.

Jhun Jhun Maxilom

My name is Jhun Jhun or Jhunx2 I am one of the original boys at Hope House. Tito David was always there for us. I am in high school. Tito David is very wise. He is very direct speaking to us. We also laugh a lot. I attend church and I am a Christian., Tito David is always there for me.

Ronalyn Villarubia

I am a Hope House girl since the year 2010. Hope House supported me in my school I am in high school now. Hope House was a very big help to me. I have a big future because of God and Hope House.

Mitch Dañosos
My name is Mitchi, Hope House helped me many years with my school and also food and other things. We learned the bible and I am a Christian now. I am very grateful for everyhing I have recieved. Hope House is a big help to us. I am a mother now and I want the best for my daughter.

Ryan Roda

My name is Ryan and I am one of the original Hope House boys. Tito David helped us in school and he helped us with our sports equipment. He took us places and we had fun. I am a father now and I am working in construction. I learned construction skills at Hope House. Tito David used his house to teach us because he let us build it even though we dont know anything. I am a Christian



Abby Brondo

I am one of the original Hope House girls. We would go to the house of David and eat. He also took us many places and we had fun. Hope House supported me in school and I graduated high school. I am a mother now and I have a beautiful daughter. I am very thankful to God for all He has done for me. Tito David help us in so many ways. I have also worked in outreach.


Rhachelle Villarubia

Hope House supported me all through my schooling. Tito David also help us when we have no food and rice. We also had fun times shopping and going around Cebu.

I am a mom now and I want to be a good mother. I believe In Jesus.

Shaina Mae
Shaina Mae. Without Hope House I dont know where I would be today. I am in high school and honor student. Thank you to God Jesus

David you and your family and team are constantly in our prayers and I just want to say thank you to God for giving you this privilege of working with these precious children

Barbara Davies

Angela L

David has opened so many of our eyes to the brutal poverty in the Philippines, he is in Cebu, I had no idea how bad things were till David sent me a friend request as we had a mutual friend. He has monthly child sponsorship (US $30 per month) And I would also like to add that his life is constantly at risk and he has been badly attacked already and threatened a number of times, when there are huge fires or natural disasters in the area, he and his wife and ministry team are there to offer help, financial and emotional support etc.

Michelle M

I give to David! He is wonderful to these kids! He gives his whole life to these kids


Janet Lakey
September 6, 2018 ·

David is honest and caring. He cares for the children and works to help them and keep them safe. He helps put them in school and prepare them to be able to get jobs in the future. I recommend support for David, both financial and physical.

Sunny Rowe
February 4, 2017 ·

David and crew are doing such a blessed work in Cebu City. All praise and thanks to God for David’s faithfulness in service. He is surely breaking the chains of darkness and bondage for these beautiful people.
Jo Buckberry

I sit with our kids at night and thank God for our meal and pray that not only will we be a family who prays but that we will do all we can possible to see our brothers and sisters loved and cared for and give what we can and do what we can. We are so happy that these people are receiving Gods word and have David and the team to bring about amazing change in their lives.

Mike Morton

i have known david and hope house’s ministry for some time now. there are few ministries i will call out and declare as totally legitimate… and david’s ministry is one of those. david does an amazing work, he serves as the hands of Jesus bringing love, comfort and ministry to the lost and broken… he has the heart of Christ that breaks over the tears of the people in cebu… he doesn’t just talk the talk in order to bring in donations… he walks the walk… and even when donations and support are nearly non existant he continues to minister, giving sacrificially of his own self and resources that the love of Christ might be shown to the people around him.he serves the Lord in humility and honesty, in the power of the Holy Spiirt and demonstrates the true love of God.I AM PROUD TO STAND WITH AND SUPPORT HOPE HOUSE IN CEBU PHILIPINES, AND THE WORK THAT DAVID IS DOING THERE.


Donna Quillen

I love your ministry. The courage it took to walk away from comfort to save lost children and families is noteworthy. That kind of courage comes only from obedience to God. Stand fast in your calling. I count it a blessing to sow into Hope House-Cebu

Vickie Webb



Nadine Lourens

Clearly the hand of God is upon you David Wilkerson Praise God for everything that He is doing there and thank you for being obedient to God and His calling on your life. I pray protection, blessing and favor over you and your family and I pray that God will continue to meet your needs and the needs of all those that He places in your care.

Nancy R ipley

Thank you so much for taking care of Claire Anne and sending me the picture, it really meant a ot to know you are taking such good care of the kids from the sponsors.. I just want to reach out and hug her. God Bless you in your work for Him….Every day is a nice day when we walk with Jesus but getting these pictures of this special little angel is an extra bonus for me.. So nice to know Claire is going to church and learning about Jesus andHis love for her. ♥ God Bless!! 🙂


Jeff Bonnie Manning

I am blessed to know that someone is willing to sacrifice their whole life to live in a place few would and spend their sweat and tears and anointing to wipe a tear from a childs eyes and feed them a piece of bread with peanut butter on it while big obese americans complain

Cathy Mack

David, I love how you post so many things about the kids and people at Hope House. That really keeps us all connected!!! Thanks!

Daniel Harbottle

I see evidence of a powerful army of young kids untainted by religious Christianity, filled with the Holy Spirit and freed from things that were there to pull them down into perpetual misery. Mis dos centavos..

Don Hargrave

I know a lot of comfortable pastors that are just going through the motions!You my friend are working for Jesus 24/7 on the Mission field. May God grant you many souls. You are appreciated and loved as a wonderful servant of the Lord. May the GOOD LORD favor you and your loving wife with a double portion of His love and grace. Pastor Don D.Hargrave

Jennifer Bauman · The children of Hope House Cebu are happy, healthy, and they have been given hope thru Jesus Christ. There are not even words to describe how blessed I have been being a sponsor for Lezel and watching the lives of the children at Hope House Cebu and children in the area, as well as families, thriving with the love and provision of God on a daily basis. God has not forgotten these children…they will always be cared for and loved! David Wilkerson has the heart of God, and keeps everything together. If you request something for one of the kids, he will do it and send you either pictures or videos…that impresses me. He has done without so the kids could eat, have clothing, medical treatment,etc…Being a sponsor and a part of Hope House Cebu has changed my life! I encourage and challenge anyone reading this to go to the website and find a child to sponsor…invest intheir life, and God will invest in yours! on Wednesday

Amada Cimine Keep up the good works,God will supply your needs.

Donna Stancil ·

I think it is a great thing that you David Wilkerson 11 and others are doing for these children. When you are used by God to be his hands and feet and go where he has sent you how can it be wrong. I thank God when someone helps one of God’s little children. I think God is in Heaven now and smiling 🙂 about what y’all are doing. God Bless You All!

Patty Denney What a blessing your ministry is to me David, watching it grow, and seeing the happy facesof the children is such a blessing.. Thank you for devotion.. God Bless You!!
Jerri Broome Please share this page with your family and friends. God is doing great things through David Wilkerson. Many children’s lives have been changed by the saving power of Jesus Christ. At Hope House not only are hundreds of children being feed and clothed each day but their precious spirits are being feed the living Word of God. These children once had no hope. They lived in unthinkable living conditions and because brother David hearkened to the call of God and people like you and me join in and help, their hope is restored. I’ve been prevledged to help by sending donations for the last several years. I’ve seen so many of these children’s lives change through the pictures and videos that are posted. Many testimonies from people like you and I that have went there and helped can be read. There are so many more that need our help unfortunately. Please kindly consider being a part of this amazing ministry. I encourage each and everyone to go to his page and read what great things are happening with these children. God loves a cheerful giver and even a cup of water given to a precious child, God considers it as if you gave it to Him.
Robert Whosoever Mendez

Brother David I just want to say im very encouraged by your faith and the passion you have for helping others.Watching you throughout the time we’ve been friends on Facebook has made me examine my own life as a new Christian.So thank you for being awesome in Christ.

Jeff Trotter

Spent my first full day at Hope House, a startup ministry in the slums of Cebu,Philippines. David, the founder, felt the Lord leading him to actually live in the slums,with the goal of bringing the Kingdom of God to a very needy community. As a result, lives have been changed and, I truly believe, many children have been protected from the human traffickers who prowl neighborhoods like this in search of easy targets desperate to believe their lies about a better life.This is really a no-frills, low-budget ministry that seeks to change lives through long-term relationships. David has gone through a lot of trials and missteps along the way, he’s quick to admit, but is learning and doing as best he can with the limited resources at his disposal. David, along with his wife Ailene, aretruly living humbly—I know I couldn’t do what he does, apart from a miraculous out pouring of grace!I’m having a great time interacting with the kids !Jeff Trotter You have a gift for teaching the people here so that they understand ( Jeff Trotter hasvisited us twice here at hope house cebu)

Mary F

Thanks David, been doing a lot of praying for you and the children and believing the Lord is going to see that the children have some decent place to live, I have seen in the spirit a nice home for them, nice facilities, no rats, but a beautiful placefor His children, just know they are plenty of us that are praying and believing for great things for the children . Keep the faith, knowing that your work is not in vain. Yoursister in Jesus.

Mandy Branham

i suggested David Wilkerson as a friend, he is an awesome man of GOD, and the work he does is amazing to say the least, i sponsor a child from Cebu, Angela, and it is so rewarding, please add David and check out the work he is doing, and maybe even sponsor a child 🙂 hope to see you the next time i am in, my teeth look AWESOME 😀

Angie Tipdas

My heart is for these kids, I was there and I witness how the kids are loved even their families experience blessings from the support. I am supporting this community and praying for them. 3 houses were built and thank you for your support. Families that were so poor got the benefits of the housing, and many testimonies I heard from the people who got the help, how God does miracles

Leah Lani Garcines Tips Hope House Cebu and Mr. David Wilkerson is indeed a blessing to many.. to the kids, to the mothers, to everyone..a lot of family were sheltered, fed and clothed..indeed God uses appointed people for ministries like this, and what captures my heart is the unstoppable grace of God and David’s loyalty and devotion to the Lord that no matter what happens, he has this instinct to never stop helping the less fortunate..he has the heartbeat of God that sounds “peo-ple..peo-ple..peo-ple” and I know that God wants us also to have this heartbeat…

Rhonda Yarbrough

Well..i am keeping youall in prayer and I hope you feel better soon.Hug my babies for me…..I will talk to you soon.Never give up

Monica Cardenas

it is wonderful to be able to see what the kids do almost everyday. Thanks David for al lyour hard work!

Wendy DeWitt Jankauskas

I will be sharing many of David’s posts because people don’t realize how bad this problem is. I know this is not in the states but it really doesn’t matter. These are children that are sold into the sex trade every day. It breaks my heart. Hope House has helped many of these children and strives to get them to a better life. They have school, Bible school, safe places to play, food and medical help when finances are available. . They are included in much of the building and progress of Hope House. They are given clothes, school supplies and some have already gone on to college. Many go out to minister and bring others to the safety of Hope House. David, goes without much of the medical care he needs. He is an American that was called to help these children (within his heart). I sponsor a young boy named Charles. It costs $35 a month. That’s it. We spend more on coffee. Such a small amount to get a young child to saftey. I chose to have the payments sent regularly so I don’t have to do anything and am emailed receipts. On occasion, I send more if I’m able. David often tries to get families off the street and into homes. You can’t believe what the homes look like. I will be posting pictures. I am truly hoping even one of my friends can help. Whether you can or can’t, I wish you love and blessings.

Donna Baukat

David, may God bless you and protect you with his strength, wisdom and discernment. You must remain there to help the children. Your ministry is uniquely called for being the hope for the kids. Hope House is blessed by your faithfulness. God bless you! In the name of Jesus, you ALL are protected!! AMEN

Jonathan Cornwell

49 mins · Kingston, GA, United States ·

We had a wonderful vacation in Cebu Philippines. Love visiting with the family and friends. I got to go see my good friend David M Wilkerson of Hope House Cebu. That is truly a wonderful ministry. Looking forward to our next trip in 2018

Mike Morton

david has proven himself to be the greatest of saints…in that he is a ‘fool for Christ”… in the same league as jim elliot. he has abandoned all that we in our comfortable homes call “success” and has seen the needs of the children in cebu. and he has gone mostly out of his own resources and begun ministering there. and children’s lives are being touched…and Christ’s love is setting them free.fore too long i have been silent! I have read how people have threatened to stop support of his ministry because they expected him to toe some kind of mark, not offend them, not be preachy, not be up front. ask a soldier who has faced combat in iraq or Afghanistan to describe what goes on, and if he or she will talk they will not candy coat things.I CHALLENGE YOU. IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT THE LORD HAS COME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE… THEN SUPPORT DAVID AND HOPE HOUSE… WHETHER FINANCIALLY OR PRAYERFULLY. COMMIT YOURSELF TO IT.IN TURN, KNOW THAT HE IS COMMITTED TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH… PURE AND SIMPLE, NOT CANDY COATED, NOT WATERED DOWN. HIS REPORTS ARE DIRECT FROM THE FRONT LINES WHERE THE WAR IS BEING WAGED…AND IT IS A DEADLY BATTLE FOR THE SOULS OF CHILDREN.If you want to support some work that is candy coated, watered down and not likely to offend you or disturb you in any way, turn on a sally struthers commercial… or sarah mclaughlin’s pleas to protect abused animals.BUT IF YOU WANT TO BE CONNECTED TO THE VERY WORK OF GOD…THEN SUPPORT AND STAND BY THIS MINISTRY AND BY DAVID.”What will you do with the least of these…my bretheren?” (Jesus) .

The Jordans

I watched David for over 5 years consistently change the lives of the people around him. Isn’t that what we are called to, make disciples, love others and help those in need.. Well this is David and Hope House Cebu is a place where lives are truly changed and impacted daily for God’s kingdom. It really comes down to what could be more important than saving these children from what surrounds them, giving them hope and a future bright and full of opportunity. We love David and Ailene and will support Hope House all our days!!! If you want religion, walk into a church building, but if you want to see the Kingdom of God moving watch David! Our friends and family sponsor 9 children and I concider it an honor to serve God in this way. Jesus loves the little children, we want to be like Jesus so this is only a natural response to a heart that loves Him. There is a great community of supporters and I truly feel like I would be welcomed by any of the Hope House Family. I cannot say enough good about this place. I promise you there is nothing more impacting or important you could spend your dollar on! We are 5 years in and falling in love every day with new faces!!! God bless Hope House!!!

Mike O’Neill

Arlie, what David and his crew are doing is nothing less then spectacular, and all under the power of the Holy Spirit, for if it was not, they would not have been able to get as far as they have in such a short time…. take a look at the street scenes and other photo she has posted. I know he has over 100 girls sponsored as well as other children and I believe he has been able to get a couple adults sponsored ( helping them up on their feet)and a couple dwellings repaired / built for more livable conditions. I may not be one hundred percent correct, so you will have to look at the page and see what is going on. we have been sponsoring a child now for almost a year, I can not recall the actual start date,so I will look back cause that will be like a day for a new birthday girl….. 🙂 .

All I can say is the Spirit of God HAS to be on you for you to do what you are doing there. It breaks my heart and makes my stomach sick knowing what the children there go through. And seeing dead bodies of kids on top of garbage piles or the kids filthy and starving with no parent to protect and care for them. I pray so hard for God to save them. God HAS to be giving you the grace and strength to handle all you do and go through. I’m so excited about the school too! I’m sure that will bring so much hope to the kids!… from a sponsor

Anthony Tony recommends David M Wilkerson.
April 4 at 5:55 PM ·
You wanna be the hands and feet to be used mightily by God? Suport this ministry.I pray God bless u all as you work alongside,As we work together in reaching these kids for and to Christ be All the glory.Love u all in Christ friends.☝🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Barbara Coupe recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 31 at 1:27 AM ·
I have been following all the work done by David and Hope House for a few years now and ALL I have seen is the love of God in action. Although David has been facing persecution and challenges he pushes forward, in the Lord’s strength, and has reached so many endangered children and given them hope, a warm place to stay, food and most of all, shown them the true love of Jesus and brought them to new life. Bless you brother David and keep doing what you have been doing for many children have been given a second chance at life and happiness because you were prepared to stand in the gap for these precious little ones!!!

Garry Sagel recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 21 at 11:16 PM ·
The man is helping abused children.

Valarie Roxanne Johnson recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 27 at 12:20 PM ·
always about the Business of JESUS ! never seen anything other than JESUS care concerns for – the poor no one thinks of as in children ! family babies ! his work – put action to – words of JESUS – watches prays seeks JESUS daily regarding everyone and everything ! 💯

Beverly Lynnt recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 19 at 1:02 PM ·
I’ve followed and watched this ministry grow over the past 9 years. Rejoiced and wept with him over the many lives of children he affects. David is truly doing God’s work with Hope House Cebu.

Bruce Dinsman recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 18 at 5:00 PM ·
Honest, hard working man. I don’t think he has enough food, medicine or rest for himself because he is always out there feeding and helping kids.

Donna Deaver recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 13 at 3:50 AM ·
David helps So many children and adults of Cebu. He disregards his own health and comfort to help others! I highly recommend Hope House!

TheresaMurillo recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 6 ·
God calls some to the forefront of the battle. Others are mandanted to guard the “stuff” back home. David is a Frontline Warrior called by Jesus Christ to go to fight for the poorst of the poor. No soldier goes into battle without support…financial & spiritual…that’s our part!
In scripture there are 2 types of Christians: those who are sent & those who support!!
There is no way this man can do what he does UNLESS he was SENT & EQUIPPED by the supernatural grace/love of the Father & the POWER of the Holy Spirit!!

Noreen Lowris recommends David M Wilkerson.
March 4 ·
David helps so many children! I highly recommend this ministry and believe in its integrity and compassion for those in need.

Audrey Tello-Guzman

I’d like to throw in this name. DavidandAilene Wilkerson They run a ministry and are so worthy of any donation of any amount. When you friend David M Wilkerson, you get to actually SEE your money at work. He gives updates often and is a blessing, even when circumstances in their country are beyond the impoverished. He also helps children who are victims of sex trafficking, orphans and sick children, while teaching the word of God and the walk of Jesus.

Viola O.

YOU are such a HUGE BLESSING to the children, their families & the community, with the WORK that you are doing there for the LORD, David! THANK YOU so much for going into DETAIL about HOW & WHY you distribute the funds/blessings the way you do! (: I am sure there are ALWAYS going to be people who (MISTAKENLY & PRIDEFULLY) THINK or BELIEVE that there is a BETTER way/system for you to be handling things there, as you have been told many times… BUT… until someone LIVES THERE (not just VISITS or sits behind a computer in their comfy home giving advice) & DEALS with aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of the THINGS (ups, downs, trials, errors, good & bad, problems, joys, attacks, victories etc…) on a DAILY BASIS like YOU HAVE since YOU BEGAN HHC (not to mention aaaaaaaaall of sponsors, the questions, replies, the criticisms, the sorrows, the false (Catholic) doctrines, the HARD WORK that is involved there & aaaaaaall of the ATTACKS from UNGODLY, PRIDEFUL & ENVIOUS people, via SATAN) they have NO IDEA what they are talking about! MANY people PRIDEFULLY think that THEY are going to TELL YOU or SHOW YOU how it is done & they have FAILED MISERABLY each & every time! WHY ??? Because GOD CALLED YOU THERE (to CEBU) so that YOU could SHEPARD this Ministry/HHC & represent HIM & because you were obedient to HIS CALL, it has prospered regardless of SATAN’S little & sometimes VICIOUS attacks!I would LOVE to see your critics, leave EVERYTHING behind (deny themselves) to go there (or anywhere else in the world where a ministry like this is needed) take up their crosses, follow JESUS & dedicate their lives to serving HIM by being the hands & feet of JESUS & starting up the same type of (FRUITFUL, LOVING & GOD FEARING) Ministry that you have. (: Glory Glory Hallelujah! Until then, I cannot take ANY of their CRITICISMS or outright ATTACKS seriously. What’s AWESOME is that even though there have been many, many trials & errors (like in EVERY ministry), over time you have SHOWN/PROVEN to us that GOD’S LOVING HAND is upon YOU & EVERYONE whose lives that YOU have touched & continue to touch, through HHC! With aaaaaall of that being said, I still can’t even begin to grasp just how DIFFICULT it has been for you to be able to get THIS FAR with HHC or just how EXHAUSTING it has been for you! Nevertheless, it’s easy to SEE that this has been a LABOR of LOVE for you (on soooooo many levels). Keep up the GREAT & GLORIOUS WORK for the LORD & may continue to GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU ALL, at HOPE HOUSE CEBU!

Bridget P

Touched by Jesus.
All I can say is well done brother and may the Lord continue to bless and use you and others helping those held captive and hungry. More than I can I do so only praises and thankfulness for the work Our Father has given you.

Minnow K

I could write forever on what I have seen! HHC is God’s work in action. A grass roots mission like no other. Donations are put to full use with maximum transparency and sound judgement

Betty P

David takes us with him via video on shopping trips. We see the kids that he and Ailene are are feeding, paying medical bills for, clothing, teaching in the school they started plus so much more. They have Bible studies and church services.

Some of the kids live with them, right at Hope House. They counsel and give love to them. In the videos we see food handed out to the hungry day and night. Money is being used directly for the children. There are no middlemen taking the lion’s share of the donations.If you want to actually see your donations at work, Hope House is where you want to send your money.

Larry Lakey

Today at 2:19am God bless you David, I don’t always comment but I do know the good work you do by your posts and what Janet tells me. Stay safe my brother, we love you, your family and ministry.

Thats so wonderful to hear! ❤❤❤ My heart is now singing a happy song…which is great considering right before i opened up fb on my phone just now, i was feeling sad again. I can TOTALLY see the transformation too…in her face and her whole countenance! Before she looked like a zombie…demon possessed woman. Afterwards, she was standing with a grouo of God sent friends, with a smile on her face. She looked like a person again, and not a zombie. It’s wonderful what God can do. It’s wonderful what he can do through his children. We are his hands and feet. I’m so glad that you and your kids are using that in a good way. Thank you so much for that from the heart. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Catherine Oliveira shared your post.
7 hrs ·
A ministry you can trust that is truly helping the homeless families in the Philippines

Laurel DeLong reviewed David M Wilkerson — 5 star
March 24, 2017 ·

No matter where or how we share the Gospel of Jesus..if we reach one soul for Him then our rewards in Heaven will be counted and reserved. Being saved, good, etc. does not merit your Rewards in Heaven.

Frederick Parkinson ( Frederick preached here at Hope Church)
2 hrs ·
1 year ago i was in the Cebu slums ,there is that many rats in the slums in cebu that a cat would not be safe with them unless he had some dogs as bodygaurds lol, rats running over your feet as you sit down ,rats were running around in the bathroom when you went there rats running out of the kitchen , rats holes one metre from my head were i slept on the floor rats were running in front of me in the street , if there was a pied piper of hamlet he would never been able to retire

Stuart G

You can be confident that whatever you give the vast majority of it will be used to finance the ministry and provide for the kids, no creaming off to pay for offices, salaries or top heavy administrative expenses. It’s all about the kids.

Lois Nuse

I don’t think you know just how special you are–it takes faith and courage to do all you do. You are really a true servant of God–you are very blessed! God is with you–and He is providing–in a world that is messed up financially–just when you need something–I have a feeling–might be at the last minute–but God always comes through with your need for your kids and their families.

Minnow K

You will never find a charity with a more direct line. David and Hope House Cebu live the ministry with the children. There are no fat cats skimming from the top. There are no expensive marketing and mailing programs. Your donations are put to good use dollar after dollar. You can see the pictures and videos day after day. An ON FOOT mission.

Muriel Sowden

Hope House is showing that lives can be transformed, if we reach out in love.

Sal Langley

One of the most special things I saw this Christmas was when a child was asked in our church what she got for Christmas and she said that her mother had sponsored a child at Hope House so she had an adopted sister as a Christmas ‘gift’. All the other children had shown presents of toys and clothes but this child was brimming with excitement and wonder.We were all blessed to see it.

Doug H

I will continue sending you money to feed the kids! I DO KNOW where the money goes. Keep up the good work David.

man of God, You are doing what very few others would do, living amongst those you are caring for, not in a nice house and good suburb. your hands get dirty as you serve, because you are willing to DO The Work of GOD. Continue, for Greater is HE in you, than he, and they, who are of this worldSo you give to the 700 club. How much of that goes to the poor, the needy, the helpless, the hungry, the desitute, the lost, the sick, the widow, the orphan, the outcast, the rejected. AND, HOW MUCH GOES TO THOSE THAT

Kawika G

“Where your treasure is, there your heart isalso” Jesus. A small raise @ work made it possible to bless & sponsor Ronelin @ Hope House Cebu in the Philippines, where there is a high rate of child prostitution, child labor,famine and poverty. There, through the grace of God & His people, it’s being prevented through the gospel. Thank you David Wilkerson of Hope House Cebu for your obedience & love for Jesus and others. Be Christlike… “love not in word nor tongue, but in deed & truth”Apostle John. Where is your treasure friend

Dean Weir

I can vouch for your good work brothers and sisters. x We can also vouch that sponsoring a child through Hope House is an immense joy. We get regular updates on our 2 kids and we have been following Davids ministry through Hope House Cebu for two years now and can assure you this is the real deal and the help gets directly to the children. Our only regret is that at present we are unable to sponsor more kids but we hope in future we would be able to sponsor many more. Not only do they get help, they get a sense of worth and a family that truly cares for them and enables them to attain a real future and hope. If you decide to sponsor a child here or help in any way you WILL be making a real difference in the life of a child and see them thrive.

David Odom

I would just like to say that I like to support Hope House Cebu because I am convinced beyond a shadow of doubt that it’s the right thing to do. I only wish that I had more resources and time to devote to these folks. I know that in a world of fast paced drama and me mentality it is hard to focus on the things that matter the most. I am very blessed and honored to be a sponsor of four beautiful girls here for over a year. I know that David Wilkerson and Hope House Cebu are the real deal and that I’m storing up treasure in Heaven. Because these folks are the Kingdom of God.

Debbie Nowak
3 minutes ago
I have a GREAT friend here who speaks English well Her name is Ildelor Paquit. She stays with me all day and night until I go to bed. She has answered MANY of my questions and has helped me A LOT. She said David helped her get off drugs, and teaches her the Bible. She had tears in her eyes at one point. She truly loves David Wilkerson because he helps teach her the Bible and helps her children go to school! I sure am going to miss her when I leave. She is 29 years old and has a heart for Jesus!!!!


Marsha Karen Fowler

Going on two years sponsoring a young girl, and I don’t intend to quit. David provides them with food and clothing, but he also makes Jesus come alive in their lives. I hope to meet the child I sponsor one day. In the meantime, I will help her from here, and always keep her in my prayers!

Bill Berle‎ to David M Wilkerson
I wrote this and asked David to share it on his page. I first met David back in the early 90’s when he came into our Sherwood A.A. group in San Angelo Texas. It was a condition of his parole that he come to A.A. I am one of the old timers is what we are called. We come to A.A. for fellowship and sobriety. We all knew there was something special about David when he first came in. He had the ability to make anyone laugh. On the rare occasions David would actually get up and speak publicly, he would have the entire hall rolling in laughter. I laughed so hard, I had to go to the doctor the next day. One thing I remember about David, is he told the truth. He told the truth about himself and about us. He not only made people laugh, he made them cry. When David left us here, he had finally gotten sober. He would come into the A.A. club and announce ” I am high as a kite, is it okay if I sit down and drink coffee” and we would always say ” sure sit down David” My biggest memory of David was the time he was called on to speak at a convention here where many hundreds of people had come to hear veteran A.A. speakers. David was not on the speakers list, but when Doug Williams got up to speak in his time slot, He said that he wanted to give his time to David which surprised everyone in the room. Doug was one of the founders of Texas A.A. and a highly respected leader in our fellowship. David came up looking like he just rolled out of bed, which is how he always looked. I wish I had recorded his talk that evening. It was silent in that large noisy hall filled with people. Every person there was fixed on the podium and what David was saying. I heard one of the most profound speeches of my entire life that night and one of the most powerful talks ever given in A.A. I think what made it so much that way, is we all remembered David from when he first came in, and now we sat listening intently to someone we didn’t even think would make it. What we were seeing was a higher power at work. We call this higher power God. I am an agnostic, but whatever happened to David here over the years we knew him, I believe it was God. It doesn’t surprise us to see David in Cebu doing what he is doing. David, God bless you, and thank you for showing us the way.

Betchie Lorenzo Mesias

This is my first time visit at Hope house Cebu during there sunday service and and slum alaska outreach. honestly my heart was broke for these people,for these kids. David is a tough person, who really has risked his own life here for the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ. They need help financially that’s the number one help they need here, it’s hard for Pastor David because he’s alone here doing all this, he needs workers and volunteers to help him here, a very tough situation but they survived by the Grace of our Lord Jesus

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